We strongly urge ALL dog owning clients to preference one of the three oral brands available from the same drug class for best tick prevention; ie, Simparica, Nexgard or Bravecto.
“Prevention is Better than the Cure” – Talk to our reception staff to discuss which may be most suitable for your dog. We can also discuss the limited options available for cats.
Tick season on the central coast is July to January. A tick as small as a match head, that is only 4mm, may cause the following symptoms
Singly or in combination:
- A changed voice – ‘muffled’ bark or meow.
- Weakness in the legs
- Increased breathing difficulty
- Gagging, grunting or vomiting
- Coughing or regurgitation
Do not assume the cause of these symptoms is NOT a tick if you are unable to find a tick. Seek treatment EARLY – even if the signs above are subtle. Research has shown the average time from removal of a tick(s) to time of death is about 23 hours. Irrespective of body weight or species it will take 3-4 days minimum for symptoms to begin after the tick(s) embeds in the skin – so time is available to stop this disease from progressing. However TIME is not available once the SIGNS are evident
And avoid situations of risk – bushland, walking on grass verges or farm stays. Walk on footpaths, mown grass & enjoy some backyard playtime! Plus conduct a thorough search with your fingers for three consecutive days following exposure to remove any ticks.