Desexing Your Pet

If you do not intend to breed your pet, then desexing is ideal for their long-term health. In females, both the ovaries and uterus are removed via an abdominal incision, reducing the risk of uterine infections (pyometra), accidental pregnancy, and uterine, mammary and ovarian cancer.

In males, both testicles are removed and this reduces unwanted behaviours such as mounting and roaming, as well as reducing the risk of prostate enlargement/infections and testicular cancer. Desexing of cats reduces the chance of territorial fights and urine spraying, and will greatly reduce the risk of acquiring FIV and Leukemia Virus infection.

On the day of surgery, your pet will come into the hospital in the morning (without breakfast for dogs and cats), have their procedure under a general anaesthetic, and go home the same day with plenty of pain relief.

All desex surgeries at Erina Heights Vet Hospital include:

  • Full general anaesthetic
  • Intravenous catheter placement and intravenous fluids
  • Intradermal (hidden) skin sutures – This means no removing of sutures two weeks after the operation and no visible sutures for your pet to chew.
  • Pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative pain relief, including pain relief to go home with.
  • Elizabethan collar is included complimentary for all dog and cat desexing procedures


Central Coast Council requires all dogs to be desexed before 6 months of age to be eligible for the reduced registration fee. However, occasionally our veterinarians may recommend delaying desexing until a later age due to various medical reasons and an exemption certificate can be provided to council. Unfortunately, if you personally elect to desex your puppy after 6 months of age and this has not been recommended by a veterinarian, you may have to pay the higher registration fee to council when registering your dog. A reversible under-skin implant (Suprelorin) lasting 6 to 12 months is also an option and further information can be provided by our veterinarians.


Desexing of cats in NSW is required by 4 months of age, otherwise you will be required to pay an additional annual permit to council of $80 per year. We will recommend booking in for desexing at one of your kitten vaccination appointments.


In addition to eliminating the risk of breeding, desexing minimizes a number of other unwanted behaviours (mounting, thumping, aggression) and reduces the risk of certain illnesses (uterine cancer, mammary cancer and testicular disease). Greater than 80% of female rabbits will develop uterine cancer by the age of 6 years if not desexed. The best age to desex a male or female rabbit is just before or shortly after sexual maturity; this is usually at approximately 5 – 6 months of age for most rabbits.